Notes on Ways to Ruin a Royal Reputation

I can’t take credit for the wonderful set up in this book. My editor asked if I’d like to be part of a trilogy with two other authors (the incomparable Clair Connelly and the tremendously talented Tara Pammi.

I always say YES! to these opportunities. Writing is a lonely business so having an excuse to email my writing pals and call it ‘work’ is awesome.

The project was pitched as ‘three friends from boarding school now run a wildly successful PR firm called London Connection.’ It sounded like a hoot and it’s always nice to be presented with an outline for a story rather than stumbling through on my best by golly. I’ve always enjoyed the stories I’ve been assigned, but this one was particularly fun.

Luca is very restrained and Amy is outgoing and sparky and blurts out some of the worst things at the very worst time. I had a riot with that and hope you enjoy the sundial scene especially. ~wink!~

Alas, I’m back to writing alone in my fortress of literature, but Clare, Tara and I–like our heroines–will always have London Connection.

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