Hot Off The Press

Are you ready for Forgiving Her First Love?

Jul 16, 2024

Honestly, I’m not sure you are ready for this one. Here’s what Melissa on Goodreads said:

“No spoilers but my heart absolutely shattered at one point and I was bawling. That is the perfect sign of a well written story!”

I absolutely adored writing Logan and Sophie’s story. For starters, I got to go back to Raven’s Cove and check in on Reid, Emma, and of course, baby Storm. Then I got to get to know more locals including Sophie’s grandfather, Art, and her son, Biyen–who is a hoot and a half. You’ll love him. I promise.

Glenda comes back, of course, to kick butt and take names, and we get a better picture of Cloe and how she’ll change Trystan’s life in Book Three.

But I’m getting ahead of myself! Here’s the official blurb for Forgiving Her First Love.

They have a past they’d both rather forget…

When Logan Fraser arrives to save the marina she manages, Sophie Peterson is skeptical that she can count on him. She spent her childhood crushing on Logan, and they even had a brief affair when he came back to Raven’s Cove the summer she graduated high school, but he left again, breaking her heart.

Logan escaped Raven’s Cove to design luxury yachts. He was done with the relentless rain and a childhood of feeling responsible for other people’s unhappiness. His mother stuck out her difficult marriage for Logan’s sake, even when his father had yet another affair. By the time Sophie looked to Logan for happiness, he knew it was every man for himself.

Now Logan’s profligate father has died, leaving him an orphaned sister and a financial mess that demands a Herculean effort with his estranged brothers to resolve. He needs Sophie’s help, but her priorities are her son, grandfather and sanity. Still, she needs the job, but she’ll never trust Logan again.

If you prefer print, it should appear in the next couple of days. Here are the rest of your quicklinks:

Delivery Day for Her Billion-dollar Bump

Jun 26, 2024

It’s launch day for Her Billion-dollar Bump! Hooray! This one is also my first book with the new look for Harlequin Presents. How much do you love it? Isn’t it fabulous?

I’m equally in love with the contents, I must admit. Fliss and Saint were such a fun pair to write. He’s a playboy who is used to living his life by his own rules while Fliss is fighting the good fight, trying to build a life for herself.

They have a one-night affair, he tries to send her earrings–which she would have found insulting if she had actually received them. Instead, her tiny subterfuge around a stolen invitation to a gala is discovered, scandal erupts around both of them, and she hopes she’ll never see him again in her life.

Then she turns up pregnant. She wants the baby, but she doesn’t want his circus life so she asks him for one tiny favour: Make a public statement that the baby is not his. He doesn’t want it anyway. Does he?

Spoiler alert: he definitely wants both of them.

Cinderella’s confession: “I’m pregnant.”
Housemaid Fliss gave up her fashion dreams to care for her late grandmother. So finding a discarded invitation to the year’s most exclusive event feels like her last chance to get her designs noticed. She just never imagined that attention would come from notorious Saint Montgomery…

Knowing she doesn’t belong in the billionaire’s world, innocent Fliss can’t resist one night of Saint’s expert seduction. Except when his “thank you” diamonds land her in the headlines, she’s drawn back into his powerful presence. Because she has news of her own—and the bump to prove it!

More fun news! Did you know that Her Billion-dollar Bump is part of the Diamonds of the Rich and Famous trilogy that I wrote with my writing pals Maya Blake and Emmy Grayson? All these books stand-alone so you can read them in any order, but if you love glamor and passion and an exclusive diamond shop, grab all three!

Book 1: Accidentally Wearing the Argentinian’s Ring by Maya Blake
Book 2: Prince’s Forgotten Diamond by Emmy Grayson
Book 3: Her Billion-Dollar Bump by Dani Collins

An Early Delivery for Her Billion-dollar Bump?

Jun 1, 2024

Here’s a tiny twist on the surprise baby trope: My heroine Fliss tells Saint she’s pregnant, but only because she wants him to make a statement that her baby is not his, so the paparazzi will leave her alone.

Saint is no saint, but he absolutely refuses to turn his back on his child–especially after he discovers how she got pregnant. (Not her fault. Definitely his.)

If you love a bad-boy/playboy hero, sabotaged birth control that results in a shotgun marriage, a tarot card reading heroine who successfully bets on the ponies, and a scene at an upper-crust party that involves the hero both protecting the heroine and shattering her trust in him, then Her Billion-dollar Bump is for you!

Good news! You can get it today if you buy on or Mills & Boon UK.

Cinderella’s confession:

“I’m pregnant.”

Housemaid Fliss gave up her fashion dreams to care for her late grandmother. So finding a discarded invitation to the year’s most exclusive event feels like her last chance to get her designs noticed. She just never imagined that attention would come from notorious Saint Montgomery…

Knowing she doesn’t belong in the billionaire’s world, innocent Fliss can’t resist one night of Saint’s expert seduction. Except when his “thank you” diamonds land her in the headlines, she’s drawn back into his powerful presence. Because she has news of her own—and the bump to prove it!

Wait! There’s more. Her Billion-dollar Bump is part of the Diamonds of the Rich and Famous trilogy that I wrote with my writing pals Maya Blake and Emmy Grayson. They all stand-alone so you can read them in any order. Happy reading!

Book 1: Accidentally Wearing the Argentinian’s Ring by Maya Blake
Book 2: Prince’s Forgotten Diamond by Emmy Grayson
Book 3: Her Billion-Dollar Bump by Dani Collins

Ready for Another Peek at Raven’s Cove?

May 31, 2024

I am thrilled, thrilled I tell you, with this cover for the final book in my Raven’s Cove series. I’m thrilled with all of these covers, to be honest, but look closely at this one. You’ll see the tail of a whale in the water. How cute is that?!

I don’t want to give too much away about this one. If you’ve read Marrying the Nanny then you know the three brothers are deeply concerned that Storm’s aunt is going to show up and steal their baby sister.

Some of you have already guessed who Trystan falls fathoms-deep in love with! Yup. Cloe.

Wanting a Family Man doesn’t come out until October 1st (I know! I’m sorry!) But you can read the opening chapters on my website here.

Book Two, Forgiving Her First Love, comes out July 16th. Soon. But if you’ve read the first book and you’re hankering for more Raven’s Cove, get the bonus epilogue here.

See you in Raven’s Cove!

Reissue of Racy Romances

May 25, 2024

Two of my steamiest books have pretty new covers and have just been re-issued on all digital platforms!

If you’ve enjoyed my by Anonymous collections, you’ll like these. They’re contemporary novels with the same level of steam along with the more complex plots that a full-length novel allow.

Both have a theme of finding liberation in a hidden identity. I wrote these as companion novels, but they can be read as standalones.

In Mastering Her Role, Jason must don his alter-ego, Dominic, to give lessons in sensuality to his friend, Arianne.

In the Playing the Master, Ann is facing a forced marriage to Porter and becomes Violet to discover his true feelings toward her.

They’re fun and sexy and don’t have to be read in order. If you haven’t got them yet, I hope you’ll give them a try.

Thank You!!

May 18, 2024

Thank you so much for reading theThe Saloon Girl’s Only Shot! I’m really touched by all the wonderful reviews. Here’s some of my favourites:

“Collins is a great writer and I really think she shines most in her historical romance books!
An unputdownable read!” ~ 5 stars, Gloria, Goodreads

“This story has so much of what I love about historical romance: complicated, likable characters, humor, angst, a number of secondary characters that populate the background and a setting that allows readers to picture just how difficult and stark life was at this time in history. Amidst the hardship, Dani Collins has readers rooting for Temperance to break through Owen’s hard, protective shell and smiling at the internal struggle he goes through before he surrenders to what was meant to be. I loved it and highly recommend.” ~ 5 stars, JJDKC, Amazon

If you haven’t read The Saloon Girl’s Only Shot because you haven’t read The Prospector’s Only Prospect, no worries! They can be read as standalones so jump in wherever you want.

I’m thinking about putting this one into KU soon so if you haven’t got your copy on other platforms, now would be the time to snap it up.

It’s my Twelfth (!) Call-iversary

May 8, 2024

On this day in 2012, I received a call from London telling me that Mills & Boon wanted to buy my book, which became No Longer Forbidden. Whenever I talk about The Call, people say, “That must have been so exciting!”

It was, in the same way that jumping from an airplane is exciting. (I presume. You’ll never catch me doing it.)

I had signed up for this plunge into the wild rush that is publishing, though. I packed my parachute and I climbed on the plane and I said yes, push me out. And I was terrified.

Writing romance is a strange dream to have. It’s even stranger to have that dream come true. For years I was sure that I would wake at some point and it would all be gone.

The truly astonishing part is waking up to realize twelve years and eighty-five books have whistled by. I don’t know how it happened. I write a book and then I write another one. That’s my secret to having a career in writing romance. Your mileage may vary.

And yes, sometimes I’m still terrified. Publishing is full of turbulence and tornadoes and sometimes books are a tangled mess that do not open properly. (I’m looking at you, book number eighty-five.)

I’m also still excited. Look at all these books launching this year! Yes, there are ten of them. It’s an embarrassment of riches, but I adore each and every one of them. They’re funny and heart-achy and sexy and sweet, just like all the ones that came before.

I love my job. I get to make up bonkers plots where characters fake amnesia and hide surrogate pregnancies and get trapped on an island with their sworn enemy (whom they bang then marry, obviously.)

I get to visit the Old West when women couldn’t vote and you had to walk across town to deliver a message and survival was a daily struggle.

I get to immerse myself in one of my *favourite places on earth, BC’s West Coast, and fill it with people who feel like my friends.

The actual writing is the dream-state. I think that’s why I do it. In your dreams, you don’t need a parachute. You can fly and it’s the best feeling in the world.

Sometimes I see a neighbour or an old friend and they ask, “Are you still writing?” Yes. By some miracle, I am still writing. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

I’m grateful to Harlequin and Tule and Entangled for publishing my books, but I’m even more grateful to you, Gorgeous Reader Of Romance. Thank you for loving my books as much as I do. Thank you for helping me live my dream.

*Favourite spelled with a ‘u’ because those books are Canadian, like me.

Hooray! The Saloon Girl is here!

May 7, 2024

Get yourself your beverage of choice and clink it with mine! I’m celebrating the release of The Saloon Girl’s Only Shot! It’s as cheeky as homemade whiskey and will erase your cares for a few hours, especially if you consume it straight.

The Saloon Girl’s Only Shot can be read as a stand-alone, but takes place in the same gold-rush Denver as The Prospector’s Only Prospect.

I wanted Owen, Virgil’s best friend, to be my next Quail’s Creek hero because he’s the opposite of Virgil–charming and talkative and a bit of a pot-stirrer. I was curious why Owen and Virgil are such loyal friends and what made Owen aspire to saloon-keeping.

I don’t want to give too much away, but he had a tragedy in his past and struggles on another level as an adult. Both of those things make him the perfect match for Temperance. She’s resilient and resourceful, but she’s sensitive to the scandal in her past. Owen not only doesn’t judge her for it, he puts it in perspective so she begins to forgive herself.

That’s after he refuses to hire her, gets her fired (twice!), offers her the bed he’s already using, then finally hires her himself. Also after he steals a dog for which she gets blamed and sends her to the dress shop where she gets Pretty-Womaned.

Temperance goes through a lot, but she also makes some really nice women friends and learns to stick up for herself and discovers who threw the horseshoe through the window before she saves Owen’s life.

It’s a rollicking adventure that also includes, at my son-in-law’s express request, a brawl in a saloon.

I can’t wait for you to belly-up to the bar and get into this one.

Find it in print and digital on all platforms today.

Are you a reviewer on Booksprout?

Apr 17, 2024

Booksprout Reviewers! Please pop over and pick up a copy of The Saloon Girl’s Only Shot.

This exciting tale takes you back to gold-rush Denver and the world of The Prospector’s Only Prospect. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the first book. This one stands alone (but you do get a little visit with grumpy Virgil.)

Hurry! The book comes out in May and I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Can a charming saloon keeper convince a ruined barmaid he’s a sure bet?

Scandal has taught aspiring school teacher Temperance Goodrich to never trust a man. Stranded in lawless Denver City, she’ll do anything to earn enough to return home before winter–even work as a saloon girl. But entertaining rough men who are starved for female company isn’t easy, and time is running out.

When Owen Stames finally finds a claim that pays, he’s determined to prove the naysayers wrong and open his own saloon before the gold runs out. Too bad the sole vacant building is a former funeral parlor, and the only available employee is the prickly city girl who’s been fired from every bar in town.

Temperance is wary of Owen, especially when the accommodation he offers is a bed they must share. But when a brazen robbery nearly costs them everything, they realize they only have one shot at love… so they’d better take it.

True love is worth more than gold in this delightful followup to The Prospector’s Only Prospect.

Have you seen the Goodreads Giveaway for The Saloon Girl?

Apr 11, 2024

Have you entered for a chance to win a signed print copy of The Saloon Girl’s Only Shot? I have three copies of this fun, frolicy follow-up to The Prospector’s Only Prospect available on Goodreads.

Want to be one of the first to read it? Hurry! The contest closes April 21, 2024. Good luck!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Saloon Girl's Only Shot by Dani Collins

The Saloon Girl’s Only Shot

by Dani Collins

Giveaway ends April 21, 2024.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

P.S. It’s also available on Booksprout for Top Reviewers.