Do you like your HEA to be inspired by a Fairy Tale?

Me too! So far I’ve covered three fairy tales. If Cinderella is your jam, check out Cinderella’s Royal Seduction where Sopi is treated. horribly by her stepsisters only to wind up married to a prince. Spoiler alert: She sure shows them!

If you’re a fan of Beauty and the Beast, check out Beauty and Her One-Night Baby. Javiero has been attacked by a jaguar and has a lot of darkness inside him that only Scarlett can heal.

Do you love the transformation of the ugly duckling into a swan? In Innocent in the Sheikh’s Palace, Hannah Meeks has never felt pretty, but she’s determined to have the family she always dreamed of. When the clinic mixes up her sample, she learns she’s carrying a dead prince’s baby. She’s pressed into marrying his brother, Akin, who ultimately makes her realize she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.

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