Do you want The Secret of Their Billion-dollar Baby early?

Mar 1, 2024

In the absolute madness that is my release schedule this year, I’ve barely mentioned The Secret of Their Billion-dollar Baby, even though it’s a book I absolutely adore.

When my editor asked if I had any ideas for a duet, I said, “I’ve been thinking about writing something with a surrogate pregnancy?” I was mostly thinking about the woman who carries the pregnancy when I pitched it. It was only as I began writing the first book that I realized I needed to know more about both women and why they have chosen this route.

Sasha was born into wealth, but her stepfather was very controlling. She acted out, ran away, and when her stepfather was about to pressure her into marriage, she married Rafael.

Rafael was not born into wealth. He and Sasha have an immediate physical connection, but they both hide behind it while they become a dynamic power couple–only to struggle when it comes time to conceive.

Bringing Molly into the picture is a godsend for Sasha. She and Molly have a sister-like closeness from when Sasha ran away (I’m trying not to give away any spoilers here.) Rafael feels threatened by their closeness, but having Molly carry their baby seems the only way to have a family.

Unfortunately, ~stuff happens~. There’s a car crash and Sasha pretends to lose her memory. Rafael is struggling to hold onto the fortune he spent his entire marriage building, the one he thinks is the thing that makes him *good enough* for Sasha. Molly has a whole :secret life: while carrying their baby (see: The Baby His Secretary Carries) and if you’ve read that book, you have an idea what the secret is that Sasha is so desperate to hide.

This book is brimming with drama and passion and a hero and heroine who are married and deeply in love and don’t have the sense to know it, let alone admit it aloud. I hope you love it as much as I do.

If you’re anxious to get your hands on it, good news! You can get it today from or Mills & Boon UK.

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