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Bookfunnel Giveaway – Fall Into Love

Sep 9, 2022

Ends Sep 30th

I’m participating in a fabulous giveaway on Bookfunnel right now. You can browse from over 200 books and excerpts. You will have to sign up for author newsletters to claim the books, but you can unsubscribe anytime. Hurry, it ends Sept 30th!

Browse Now

Shhh! Cinderella’s Secret Baby is up early!

Sep 1, 2022

I was trying to be clever with my headline, but all my Harlequin Presents/M&B Moderns, including Cinderella’s Secret Baby are always available early if you buy from and Mills & Boon UK.

I can’t believe my Four Weddings and a Baby series is stepping out into the wild already. I only turned in Book Four a couple of weeks ago, but here’s Book One in your hot little hands.

I had so much fun with this series. I love a good saga of characters who all intertwine. (Full disclosure, while I’m writing it, I’m screaming at myself Never Again.) But I love a bunch of stories that let me visit other characters so I can be sure they’re all living HEA.

In this series, the kick-off is Hunter’s wedding to Eden–except it’s interrupted by the revelation he has a baby with Amelia. Hunter leaves with Amelia and, in the next book, Eden runs off with the best man, Remy. By Book Three, maid-of-honor Quinn is having an affair with Eden’s brother. Book Four circles all the way back to Hunter and Amelia when Hunter’s sister, Vienna brings down a fresh scandal upon Amelia’s brother, Jasper.

All of these books can be read as stand-alone or in any order, but if you’re looking for your next series to snuggle up with, I hope you’ll give this a try.

The confession that stopped his billion-dollar wedding!

The scandal of the century…

She’s had the billionaire’s love child! Innocent waitress Amelia Lindor’s encounter with Hunter Waverly was unforgettable. Their chemistry? Off the charts! Their connection? Soul shattering! And, for Amelia, the consequences were life-changing…

Amelia had braced herself to tell Hunter she was pregnant, only to learn he was engaged. Unwilling to endure more heartache, she vowed to raise their daughter alone. Then the news gets out! In a shock turn of events, Hunter’s wholly convenient marriage is halted at the altar as all his attention turns to Amelia…and her secret!

USA TODAY bestselling author Dani Collins thrills in this secret baby romance.

Cinderella’s Secret Baby is available today at and Mills & Boon UK. It releases on all platforms Sep 27th.

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Join me in Aaron’s Reading Room Today!

Aug 29, 2022

I’m so excited to be joining Aaron live today at 4:30 (Pacific, 7:30 Eastern) in Aaron’s Reading Room.

I first ‘met’ Aaron when he chose my book Married for One Reason Only as one of his first #MyCategoryJourney books.

I highly recommend watching Aaron do one of these read-alongs. They’re great fun and I was so flattered that one of my books was his very first Harlequin Presents. He’s since become a huge fan of our line and recently reached out to invite me onto his livestream for an interview.

I hope you’ll join us live, but if you can’t, the link is here so check it out when you have time.

Aaron’s Reading Room

Innocent in Her Enemy’s Bed – Out Now!

Jul 26, 2022

Innocent in Her Enemy’s Bed is a good ol’ fashioned enemy’s to lovers with a greek hero and a virgin heroine, an evil stepmother, terrible betrayals, and a ruined wedding. It’s also got heat and heart and some silly banter. Eg:

He removed his jacket to reveal the stain of red wine on his chest.
“Did you lose a duel?”
“One of our guests had too much to drink.” He began unbuttoning his shirt, gaze on the cuffs he was releasing. “If I were in a duel, I wouldn’t lose.”
“Says the man defeated by a glass of wine.”
“Oof. I see what you did there. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“Yet I rarely am,” he said in a blithe tone while stepping into the closet.

Here’s the back cover copy:

Keeping her enemy close…means getting far closer than she thought!

Ilona Callas is aware that Leander Vasilou will do anything for revenge against her stepfamily. She just never pictured herself becoming the formidable Greek businessman’s ally!

Since clawing his way to the top after being betrayed, Leander exists alone. Ilona should be his ticket to vengeance…until an explosive moment of intimacy changes everything. So begins a sensual back-and-forth that will lead to one place: their marriage bed!

Need it now? Buy it here:

Amazon US | Amazon CDN | Amazon UK | Amazon Aus | Nook | Kobo | Apple Books | Google Play

Check out this *fabulous* reader giveaway!

Jul 18, 2022

Melissa McClone’s exciting giveaway runs from July 18th-24th.

Who is Melissa? Well, long story short, Melissa McClone is a fellow Tule author who puts together Mother’s Day totes every year for Fisher House. It’s an organization that provides comfort homes to military vets and their families when they have to travel for medical treatment.

After Melissa does all the work of collecting the author donations of books and other swag, she puts them together into totes and delivers them to the houses. You would think that would leave her too tuckered to do anything else, wouldn’t you? Heck, no. She then uses whatever is left over to make these amazing reader giveaways.

Be sure to enter and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Add Three Little Words to your Podcast Playlist

Jun 22, 2022

A new podcast premiered this month called Three Little Words and their very first episode features my book, A Virgin to Redeem the Billionaire.

The hosts are Claudia and Nicole. I found them on Twitter. I can’t find a website, but you can access the podcast through this link tree site. (Or click on the image below.)

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I plugged in my AirPods and did my stretches. Then I drove to the dentist, and to my Dad’s, and the grocery store. I came home and cleaned the kitchen and they were still talking about my book.

Nicole and Claudia are thorough, engaging, insightful and have a lovely rapport. It was like visiting with friends who came from a very caring place as they staged an intervention over how often my characters’ scalps tingle. #SpoilerAlert: Too often.

I am not offended. That is a well-deserved burn and there were others. (My stories are always convoluted. Readers need a family tree for my cast of thousands. These are personal failings I cannot seem to fix. The first writing advice I ever got was Keep It Simple, Stupid, but I gravitate to a mnemonic that spells out Goat Rodeo. Look at me, right here, digressing.)

They also said some very nice things and I’m super flattered they took so much time to deconstruct my book and came away liking it. I will shamelessly plug the follow up, Innocent’s Nine Month Scandal, and the free read on called Innocent’s Pregnancy Revelation. (Find out what happened to cousin Benny!)

I do feel compelled to defend Harlequin, though. There is a longstanding perception among people who don’t read Harlequin that their books are not well-written. Harlequin is actually very choosy. It took me twenty-five years to crack into their ranks. Their books might be short and priced affordably, but you will always get a quality read.

Having said that, Harlequin does hit the keywords pretty hard in titles and book blurbs. That is the blood-battle of visibility in a crowded digital market. As Nicole guessed, I did not title this book. Fun fact, it was initially given a title with the word ‘revenge’ in it. They changed it at the last minute because they keep their finger on the pulse of reader trends. Redemption was deemed more appealing than revenge.

I’ll end with a huge thank you to Claudia and Nicole at Three Little Words for taking a chance on A Virgin to Redeem the Billionaire. I lol’d when you said “Dani Collins will never listen to this.” I am absolutely narcissistic enough to listen to every single minute and tell everyone I know to do the same. 😉

Check out my swoony cover for Cinderella’s Secret Baby!

May 13, 2022

I love starting a weekend with great news! Not only did I receive the cover for Cinderella’s Secret Baby, the first book in my new series for Harlequin, Four Weddings and a Baby, but my revision on the second book, Wedding Night with the Wrong Billionaire, were accepted!

I’m closing in on The End on Book Three, but here’s the cover and blurb for Book One. Look how lovely and swoony it is!

The confession that stopped his billion-dollar wedding!

The scandal of the century…

She’s had the billionaire’s love child! Innocent waitress Amelia Lindor’s encounter with Hunter Waverly was unforgettable. Their chemistry? Off the charts! Their connection? Soul shattering! And, for Amelia, the consequences were life-changing…

Amelia had braced herself to tell Hunter she was pregnant, only to learn he was engaged. Unwilling to endure more heartache, she vowed to raise their daughter alone. Then the news gets out! In a shock turn of events, Hunter’s wholly convenient marriage is halted at the altar as all his attention turns to Amelia…and her secret!

USA TODAY bestselling author Dani Collins thrills in this secret baby romance.

Want a taste of Cinderella’s Secret Baby? Start reading here.

I’m Celebrating my Ten Year Call-iversary!

May 8, 2022

Ten years ago today, I got The Call from Harlequin, offering to buy No Longer Forbidden. (It was actually a two-book contract that later included Proof of Their Sin.)

I really didn’t know how to take this exciting news or what was in store for me. All I knew was that, after more than two decades of trying to publish, I wanted to ‘make it’ as an author.

I didn’t know what that would look like, but here’s what I now know about ‘making it’: it’s not a moment or a call. It’s a journey. It’s persevering through the rough stuff. If you want a career as an author, you write a book, then you write another one. Then you write another one. Lather, rinse, repeat and hopefully you sell a few to publishers and especially to readers along the way.

After ten years go by, if you’re very lucky (as I am) you can look back and say, Wow, I made a nice little career for myself. Then, if you still want a career as a published author, as I do, you write another book. And another one.

Sometimes it’s hard and I have days where I think I should get a job in a winery, as if dealing with drunk tourists all day is a picnic. Sometimes I’m on deadline and I force the words out and think the whole time, Good grief I suck. My career is definitely over.

Most of the time I’m in awe that I get to do this job. How is it even a job? I b.s. all day, making up completely untrue stories and, a year or three later, some money goes into the bank.

You’re allowed to scoff that it can’t be that easy. It isn’t. After I do all the b.s. of revisions and copy edits and maybe some promo and write a newsletter and beg readers to buy my books, then (hopefully) some money goes into the bank. But after the book is done and dusted, I forget all the sweat and tears that went into it. I’m just happy readers are reading it.

I didn’t know what my life would look like ten minutes or ten months after The Call. I certainly didn’t imagine that ten years would flash by and I would have seventy books behind me (and roughly six ahead of me, that I know of.)

Was The Call life changing? Sure was! In all the best ways. I am so grateful that Harlequin called me on this day in 2012. I’m grateful for Tule Publishing providing me so many amazing opportunities. I’m grateful that indie publishing became a thing so I could publish my homeless manuscripts and I’m very grateful that Entangled is giving me a new opportunity to branch into Western Historical romance.

Most of all, I’m grateful to you, my dearest fans and friends. You are the enablers of this kooky career of mine. I always say I wouldn’t be here without you. I hope you know it’s not hyperbole. (Look at me, throwing around words that I have to look up to be sure I’m using them correctly.) I literally owe this career to you, so thank you.

Fun fact: If you’re in North America, you can get No Longer Forbidden as a two-in-one with More Than a Convenient Marriage.

Mother’s Day Price Drop! What the Greek’s Wife Needs

Apr 29, 2022

One of my favorite books will be on sale for $1.99 until May 8th on North American platforms.

What the Greek’s Wife Needs is perfect for Mother’s Day. Tanja is days away from divorcing Leon, but she needs to be married to adopt Illi. They reconcile, but it’s rocky. Tanja is still angry that Leon left her family high and dry five years ago.

Leon left to protect Tanja from the worst of his father’s criminal behaviour. He rescued the family fortune, but all she sees is that he has cash to spare while she has been scraping by, trying to provide for her daughter.

The one thing he can give her is the ability to adopt so they decide to stay married. Temporarily. The problem is, their chemistry is still off the charts and Leon soon falls for both of them.

Here’s the official blurb:

She wants to be his wife…

…but only on paper!

Tanja’s whirlwind marriage to Leon Patrakis is over. She hasn’t seen him since he returned to Greece five years ago. Yet, to keep the baby daughter she’s adopting, Tanja has a last request: she and Leon stay wed…in name only.

Leaving behind his exhilarating connection to Tanja wasn’t easy for Leon. Yet, to shield her from his family’s notorious reputation, he had no choice. He can’t reject Tanja’s request to make her dreams of a family come true. But ignoring their still-smoldering electricity? Impossible!

Fun fact: This was also my fortieth book!

Buy now here: Amazon US | Amazon Can | Nook | Kobo | GooglePlay | Apple Books

Big News! A New Cover and a New Direction

Apr 27, 2022

Humor and romance collide in USA Today bestselling author Dani Collins’ all-new western series, starting with a mail order bride’s unexpected arrival in 1859 Colorado…

I am so excited to share that I’ve signed a two-book deal with Entangled: Amara for a pair of Western Historical Romances.

I would actually call them romantic comedy. (In fact, I have, in my newsletter when I was being cagey about what I was working on.)

I modelled my hero, Virgil, on James Garner in Support Your Local Sheriff. He’s a reluctant hero, tough and smart, but he has a chewy-soft centre, especially where his three children are concerned (even though he doesn’t have a clue how to parent them.)

Virgil places an ad for a mail-order bride and is delighted when he gets a response from a well-educated young lady who describes herself as cheerful and kind.

That would be Marigold’s sister. Marigold is divorced, recently had her house burned to the ground, and took her sister’s place at the last moment out of sheer desperation. Virgil is not thrilled.

They strike a deal and he takes her to Quail’s Creek, the camp where he and his partners mine for gold while she minds his children.

All this gold prospector needed was a nice, practical wife. Instead, a society darling divorcée takes her sister’s place as a mail-order wife, desperate for a new husband. They’re both about to get more than they bargained for…

I can’t wait for you to get your hands on The Prospector’s Only Prospect! It will release in print and digital March 28, 2023.

Want to pre-order?

Amazon US | Barnes & Noble | Walmart

Amazon Can | Chapters Indigo