Extra Type: Author Notes

I don’t always get to write a Dear Reader letter, but I invariably have something I wish I could say to you about each book. Here it is.

Notes on His Mistress With Two Secrets

When I originally pitched my Sauveterre Twins to my editor, I suggested writing the two girls, then the two boys. The brothers were going to be sports stars—tennis and soccer. I made a solid effort to prepare solid outlines, character sketches, and romantic conflicts.

Then my editor suggested I move the kidnapped sister’s story to the end and lose the sports references. Tennis and soccer work better in other lines, not so much in the glamorous Presents world. So Henri plays tennis as a pastime, but he’s a tycoon running the family fortune. Ramon now races cars, but he retires at the beginning of his book.

I did manage to salvage Henri’s mistress who finds herself pregnant, yet is rejected by Henri when she asks him if he loves her. (He doesn’t know she’s pregnant, just thinks she’s fishing for a ring.)

Cinnia has spent enough time with Henri to know he will insist on marriage when he discovers she is pregnant, but she’s hideously independent. And now scorned. So she leaves him and keeps her pregnancy a secret as long as she can.

Of course, when she discovers she’s actually carrying the next pair of Sauveterre twins, she knows she’s doomed to a loveless marriage. I’ll leave it to you to read the book and find out how they resolve all of this, including finding the key to opening each other’s hearts.

But I will clarify: Henri uses the French pronunciation, “On-ri.” Enjoy!

Notes on Pursued By The Desert Prince

Back when I was conceiving of the baby swap duet, The Wrong Heirs, I had a vague idea to do something with twins. A few months later, that coalesced into a broader story, about two sets of identical twins.

I needed something exciting to wind through their four stories, though. I knew they were famous for their wealth and beauty, complete media darlings because they’re beautiful times two. Who doesn’t find twins fascinating and two pair in one family? The paparazzi can’t get enough of them from the time the girls are born.

There was a dark side to that, however. Because of their wealth and fame, they were targeted. The youngest sister, Trella, was kidnapped when the girls were nine.

This trauma colors each of her siblings in different ways. For Angelique (Gili), she was born the shy, sensitive one who struggles with separating herself from her twin. This holds her back from falling for Kasim while he has his own very difficult past. They’re really quite doomed! Yet drawn.

I’ll leave it to you to discover how they find their way from the dark into the light.

Notes on Only In His Sweetest Dreams

There are so many things I love about this book, most especially the setting in the senior’s complex. The older folks in this book were a ton of fun to write, especially Edith Garvey and loveable Harrison.

The kids were fun, too. In fact, this entire book is one hundred percent my jam because it’s filled with multi-generational, complex relationships that are imperfect at the beginning, and still imperfect at the end, but the characters have made their peace with that. To me, that feels like real life.

I could go on, but really, I just want you to read it and tell me what you think. And if you can’t get enough of these folks, please check out Not In Her Wildest Dreams, which is the prequel about L.C.’s sister, Paige.

Notes on Not In Her Wildest Dreams

Around the turn of the century, I wrote a manuscript called Hot Beds, Cold Feet. It was a murder mystery romance with a Wrong Girl/Golden Boy, Romeo/Juliet vibe that I particularly loved. It also has that small town gossipy-ness I also adore.

In the first book, the heroine, Paige, had a ne’er-do-well brother whom the hero, Sterling, loathes. Lyle was quite irredeemable in those early drafts, yet somehow earned his own story, tentatively titled Sweet Dreams. The agent I had at the time read Book Two and said, “I was surprised I liked him,” since Lyle was so awful in the early version of Hot Beds.

In 2016, When I came to re-write both, I had learned a lot about storytelling and how to create characters with ‘rooting interest.’ That’s writer talk for ‘likeable.’ Hot Beds is now Not In Her Wildest Dreams. It’s no longer a murder mystery. It has a mystery plot, a subplot romance that involves Paige’s best friend, and a lot of small town secrets that get in the way of Sterling and Paige finding Happily Ever After. (But they do, hashtag-spoileralert)

You also learn why Lyle is the train wreck he is. In the much-revised version of Sweet Dreams, now called Only In His Sweetest Dreams, he calls himself L.C. and gets his chance at HEA. I hope you’ll check it out along with this one.

Notes on His Christmas Miracle

When I started plotting His Christmas Miracle, I knew Nicki wanted to help Quincy and Atlas bond by doing Christmas activities together. She’s hired for the month of December, so I started plotting with a pencil on a calendar page various things she could do with them each day.

Along with Get a tree and Visit Santa, I wrote, Make an Advent Calendar. Once I thought about Nicki making one and counting down to Christmas with Atlas, I realized the whole book could be plotted as a countdown to Christmas. (In retrospect, I should have tagged each chapter, “Ten days ’til Christmas.” Only took me a year to realize that.)

However, the Advent calendar idea  led to me thinking it would be a cool Christmas craft for you, Dear Reader, to have a calendar you could print, color, and assemble with your little elves. Look for it under Extras!

Notes on The Secret Beneath The Veil

Mikolas was originally Maksym. I pictured him as a Russian and originally had him steal Viveka through the Bosphorus to the Red Sea. I wanted to revisit Clair and Aleksy from The Russian’s Acquisition.

Clair and Aleksy have been fan favorites. If you haven’t seen their Christmas epilogue, look for the link in the extras.

For a number of reasons, my editor suggested I make some changes with Mikolas, including making him Greek. I actually adored the new setting in Greece and had a ton of fun making his mansion as over the top extravagant as imaginable. The bathroom has a forest in it!

As for Viveka, you will see why she is not only the perfect woman for Mikolas, but why she deserves his love when he is finally able to offer it.


Notes on Bought By Her Italian Boss

As a reader, I love books that revisit characters from romances I’ve already read. I love knowing the couple I followed so breathlessly to their Happy Ever After is actually living happily ever after.

If you’ve read Proof Of Their Sin you may recall that Paolo had a sexy cousin, Vittorio. He’s an incorrigible bachelor and I seeded him into that story with the idea I could one day find him a wife (and revisit Paolo and Lauren.)

Little did I know what Vito was hiding under that veneer of aloofness! He’s intense and passionate and still determined never to marry, but so loyal to his family. I loved that I was able to bring out more of his relationship with Paolo and Lauren and show how envious he is of their happiness. He so deserves his own HEA!

As for Gwyn, I adore her! I wasn’t sure I could get away with having her nude photos leaked online as a story opener, but my editor went for it. Poor Gwyn is a wreck, as anyone would be! And there is sexy, powerful Vito—her boss and the man most likely to fire her for something that is not her fault at all. Her life is pretty much over.

I hope you enjoy their journey and I especially hope you enjoy seeing how Paolo and Lauren are getting along. Hint: Lauren is pregnant with their third.

Update: I’ve since written about Gwyn’s stepbrother, Travis who reunites with his (secret) ex-wife, Imogen.

Notes on Scorch, Montana Firefighters

We play a game in our house with Kinder Surprise Eggs. I like to get them at Easter and put them in stockings at Christmas. Before we open the egg, we ask a question. One time my sister asked what would happen with a particular man who lived in Australia and she received a pink airplane. She now lives there with him and they have two children.

Sometimes you have to be creative in divining the answer. For instance, I had a friend ask the Kinder gods if she would finish a particular project she’d been working on for years. When she opened the prize, she found it needed assembly and didn’t bother putting it together—which, to me, suggests a problem with completion in general, don’t you think?

I’m quite superstitious about my little prizes because of this. For instance, since I usually ask what the next year will hold for my writing career, I don’t like to throw these little toys in the trash. That seems like bad mojo. But there are many times when I get a polar bear or a little wind up car and I have no idea what the Kinder gods are trying to tell me. Such was my mystification when I received the prize in the attached photo.

I honestly can’t remember when I opened the egg with this prize. I have a shelf where I leave these toys—coincidentally the same shelf where I keep my author copies. Every once in a while I dust—again, it would be bad mojo not to, right?

I had completely forgotten this little guy existed, but I had recently completed Scorch when I came across him. I was so thrilled! He’s a smokejumper! The Kinder prediction came true!

Writing about a firefighter wasn’t actually on my radar until I was asked to participate in this series. It’s hot and fun and we set the books in a new (fictitious) town called Glacier Creek, but you’ll get a visit from Bastian and Piper from His Blushing Bride, so I like to call this book number four-point-five in my Love In Montana series.

Notes on Taken By The Raider

When the fabulous team at Tule Publishing asked me if I wanted to write a Bad Boy short story, I said, “Sure!” It was coming up to the holidays, I had two other books I wanted to finish by the end of December, but I thought, It’s short.

Writing short does not make writing a story any easier! I have to thank my wonderful editor Sinclain Sawhney for helping me find the places that needed a little extra love and attention.

As for making Griffen a corporate raider from Chicago? I always look for things that are fresh to me. It keeps me excited about my own work. Thus, I now know way more about hostile takeovers than I ever needed to—or that made it into the book!

I hope you enjoy this hot, fast-paced story. If you like the hot books, be sure to check out Playing The Master, Mastering Her Role, and The Secret in Room 823.

Notes on The Consequence He Must Claim

Most days I walk to pick up the mail. It’s a decent hike (with a hill), almost five kilometers round trip. I can’t tell you what the weather was like the day the central concept of this story struck, but I do remember where I was standing (outside the ice cream shop, but it was closed for winter.)

I was mentally working on the baby swap duet. I do a lot of plotting on my walks. This one was going to be the second and I had a strong sense of how the first book would go, but I had no idea what this one would look like beyond the couple being the other half of the mix up. I was going through all the different tropes: Royals? Mistresses? PA? Then amnesia struck. By that I mean the idea of amnesia as a plot device hit me.

What if the hero had amnesia and he didn’t even know he’d had sex with the heroine? What if he only finds out about his secret baby when he’s called for a DNA sample because they have to identify all the parents in this bizarre baby swap scenario?

I became so excited to write this book. I won’t include any spoilers about Cesar’s memory loss, but his amnesia is at the core of his conflict, making him suitably angry at the world.

Sorcha, meanwhile, is a tough, cheeky, tender-hearted heroine who loved Cesar long before she slept with him. Unfortunately, she knows what happens when a man is married to a woman he doesn’t love. He cheats! That’s what her father did and it destroyed her childhood. She doesn’t want anything to do with Cesar’s marriage of convenience suggestion.

But they have a son. So they must work things out.

If you want to read the first book in this duet, look for The Marriage He Must Keep. It tells the story of Alessandro and Octavia as they try to save their own marriage of convenience after their baby is swapped with Sorcha’s.